Below are the Release Date, Trailer, Starring and more details of Zeros and Ones 2021.
Movie Name: Zeros and Ones
Release date: 12 August 2021
Digital Release date: 19 November 2021
Directed by: Abel Ferrara
Produced by: Philipp Kreuzer,Diana Phillips
Written by: Abel Ferrara
Starring: Ethan Hawke,Valerio Mastandrea,Cristina Chiriac,Babak Karimi,Phil Neilson,Dounia Sichov,Anna Ferrara,Valeria Correale,Salvatore Ruocco,Korlan Rachmetova,Mahmut Sifa Erkaya
Music by: Joe Delia
Language: English,Italian
Release: Theater
Digital Release: VOD
An American soldier stationed in Rome with the Vatican blown up, embarks on a hero's journey to uncover and defend against an unknown enemy threatening the entire world.